Anyway, if you’re wondering just how you ended up here, I’m sorry but I’ve got nothing for ‘ya. You were probably searching the online for a real writer and that dadgum Google led you astray again. For that, I apologize.
But, since I've got you here, you might as well know that you've stumbled onto an online repository featuring all of my thoughts, reflections, opinions, ruminations, wonderings, and anything else pertaining to my own musical journey that I've deemed interesting enough to write about. I admit, it's a bit sporadic, a bit neurotic, a little bit inconsistent, and an even bigger bit random, but hey - it's mine.
I currently spend most of my time playing drums behind the likes of Alex G, Sean Waldron, Hillary Hand & The Roseliers, Modern Suspects, and a few other artists you may or may not have heard of. This blog basically serves as a work-in-progress journal of most of those experiences, as well as a kind of commonplace book of musical inspiration for anyone out there looking for a digital slug in the shoulder every now and again.
In addition to music, I enjoy a great many things in this thing we call life: books, travel, history, movies (a snootier person would’ve said “film” or “cinema”; I’m not snooty when it comes to movies), sports, video games, Batman comics, Philly cheesesteaks, Dr. Pepper, Yankee Candles, working out, dogs, photography (mine is about as amateur as it gets), philosophy & theology… and what’s more, I like good conversation about all of it. Which means, dear reader, that there might just be a few non-musical posts that sneak their way onto the blog, as well.
So, if you ever find yourself with nothing to do and a few extra minutes to spare after watching that latest Harlem Shake video on YouTube, feel free to dig in. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy the time you spend here.