Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Peter Gabriel & the point of music.

Alain de Botton over at The Guardian has a written a very interesting piece considering the question, "What's the point of music?" In it, he draws from the example of one of my all-time favorite artists, Peter Gabriel.

The article contains some great thought food on the purpose music plays in our lives and highlights two of Gabriel's great songs, one of which I've posted below. It's always good to consider just why it is we give so much credence and attention to the things - like music - which are so ubiquitous in our culture. Thinking deeply about music makes music more to us than simply a background soundtrack to all of life's other activities. To really experience the beauty of music, we need to start thinking about it like this writer at The Guardian:

[A] clearer handle on the theoretical role of music may at times enhance rather than impoverish our capacity to appreciate music. Knowing what music does for us can give us a sharper sense of which of its varieties we might be in particular need of, why and when.

And, hey, you could do a lot worse than analyzing an artist the caliber of Peter Gabriel. Check it out here.

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